Sunday, July 11, 2010

I like this...

I love Twitter--for one reason: It connects me to a lot of very neat-thinking people. For example, I like this blog entry (which I found by visiting fellow Tweeter, @krea_frobro747):

Here is a little piece of it to wet your whistle...

Six Negative Listening Habits:

1. Rebuttal Maker – Listening long enough to formulate a rebuttal
2. Advice Giver – Jumping too quickly to give unsolicited advice
3. Interrupter – More anxious to speak his words than to listen
4. Logical Listener – Rarely asking about feelings/emotions
5. Happy Hooker – Using speaker’s words to shift to own message
6. Faker – Pretends to listen

Cool, huh? I wonder how many of us are not good listeners in our classrooms? I also wonder how well we address these types of behaviors when we see them in our students during class? Do we even know how to address them? Hmmmm.. Check out the blog!

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