Friday, April 23, 2010

The End of a Journey...Congrats, Dr. Angeline Stuckey!

On Monday, April 19, my mom successfully defended her dissertation. It was my great pleasure to support her through the event and celebrate with her afterward. She is now Dr. Angeline Stuckey! It has been a great journey over the past several years as we supported each other through the research and writing process. We took "writing weekends" together, shared resources, advised each other, laughed together and lamented together. It takes a village to raise a scholar and we have shared a dynamic network of professors, family, friends and colleagues.

How blessed I am to have such a wonderful friend and colleague in my mom. She is, and has always been, truly an inspiration to me! Congrats, Dr. Stuckey! It's time to write an article together...I have lots of ideas that are just waiting to be harvested!

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