Thursday, June 18, 2009

Learning College Summit

I'm back from the Learning College Summit (a conference of the League for Innovation in the Community College) held at the luxurious Arizona Biltmore Resort in Phoeniz, AZ. It was a great experience--and not just because of the accommodations!! My entire NTL team, my Dean, and our colleague from Academic Assessment all attended and we had a real opportunity to bond as colleagues. While learning about the "Learning College" concept, we also learned about each other and more about the context within which we all work. This type of learning is truly important for us as a "new" team of professionals who have been charged with leading change at our institution in the areas of learning and teaching effectiveness, technology integration, and assessment.

We presented during the conference and our team did a superb job with our presentations. Once again, I am proud to be affiliated with such excellence. Our Dean was the consummate professional (as usual) as she led the panel discussion on Wednesday morning. Her open, friendly, and thoughtful communication style served as a great model to us. I am forever learning from her and she is one of the few people that I truly admire and wish to emulate in so many ways.

Back in April, I attended an awesome session at the Sloan-C Blended Learning Workshop facilitated by Norm Vaughan. Norm created a wiki to store the ideas generated during the session so that participants could access it later on. We borrowed this idea from him and created a wiki to store our materials and insights generated our presentation sessions. If you're interested in checking out the materials and notes from our presentation, please visit our wiki at: As of today, we're still working on updating it, so please be patient as we continue to add materials.

I'm looking forward to continuing the discussions we began at the Learning College Summit. I'm also hoping that our team is able to attend conferences together in the future. What a great experience!!

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