Saturday, June 12, 2010

Learning College Summit, Phoenix, AZ ~ 6/7 - 6/9/2010

A few days ago, I attended the 2010 Learning College Summit hosted by the League for Innovation in the Community College at the lovely Arizona Biltmore Hotel. It was a great conference--primarily because I was able to spend time with my team from Moraine Valley. It feels great to be part of such as great group of professionals. My three teammates presented on Monday morning and another MV colleague and I presented on Tuesday afternoon.

In highly collaborative organization, such as Moraine Valley, it is important for teammates to be able to have time sit down and experience the synergy of group discussion during conferences and other types of professional gatherings. The conversations we had were the best part of the conference--it is great to be abel to sit down, discuss thoughts and ideas, and bond with your teammates. When I move to my new position at Ohio State, I am going to miss these times with my team most of all.